Thursday 3 June 2010


The results of an Access Self Storage survey suggest that guys are more nostalgic and sentimental than women, when it comes to the possessions they treasure most.

We asked students to name the three things they would keep forever. Of those surveyed 67% of men said they would keep photographs of friends and family compared to just 49% of women. Men were also more likely to say they would keep a gift they were given, 24%, compared to just 11% of women.

Maybe unsurprisingly however, 36% of women compared to just 9% of men wanted to keep an item of clothing forever with 13% of women listing a favourite pair of jeans as a must keep. However, when it came to technology 37% of men listed a computer as one of their top 3 valuables compared to 23% of women. Ultimately, when both groups were given the choice between giving up their laptop and mobile phone over all their furniture, both men and women overwhelmingly chose technology with 78% of women and 81% of men.

Our Marketing Manager Jill Martin said:

“This is quite an interesting insight into the world of students. The end of the summer terms is the time of year when many students are moving back home and are considering the things they want to keep but can’t easily transport, and those they want to throw away. At Access we wanted to find out more about the different priorities students have when making those decisions as students make up an important part of the Access customer base.”

Students were also asked what item of their partner’s they would put away in storage forever. The survey revealed 37% of women would hide away their partner’s electrical gadgets, with games getting a particularly high mention, and 45% of men wanted to hide their partner’s fashion accessories, with make-up and shoes both being singled out as annoyances.

See a video of what other interesting things people were interested in keeping . The clip reveals whether it was a man or a woman whose three essentials were ‘string, a blanket and cigarettes’!

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